‘Working together for a brighter future’
At Oakhill we pride ourselves on the exceptional support we provide to both our pupils and their families. On a daily basis we go above and beyond to ensure our children have the best possible chance of fulfilling their potential. Examples of this are providing pupils with warm clothing in the winter (free of charge), providing meditation sessions for pupils struggling with self control, running targeted Forest School sessions for particular pupils, running police cadet courses alongside the local PSCO and giving free access to breakfast club to struggling families, amongst many, many more!
A vital part of this offer is our Pupil Support Team - Ms Somogy and Mrs Keay. Not only do these 2 ladies work directly with a large number of pupils each week, they also support parents and families. We provide parenting workshops each week, support individual parents with anything they need (examples have included financial support, behaviour support and support with routines in the home) and keep a very close eye on attendance to ensure this remains high! The also ensure the school continues to have an excellent reputation with all other agencies such as social care, the police and local health services.
Ofsted recognised the key role we play in supporting our community during our inspection in October 2023 and summed this up in the report where they stated, "Parents gave many examples of how the school has helped their children and families."
A key part of this provision is our newly refurbished Blossom Room. As you can see from the photographs below, this room is a calm, welcoming and comfortable room where pupils can seek any support they need, or simply come to relax! The room is also used by other agencies who help our pupils including counsellors, social workers and even our own Education Mental Health Practitioner!
Here are some quotes from our pupils about the difference our PST and Blossom Room has made to them:
"When I feel stressed I love going to Blossom Room as there are lots of things to do to help calm me down and it always smells nice!" Year 6 pupil.
"Doing meditation before I go to class is really helping me stay calm throughout the day. I am not perfect but I am getting there!" Year 6 pupil.
"Lunch times in Blossom Room are really fun. Mrs Keay has a group of us and helps us to become better friends." Year 4 pupil.
Feedback on Me Time, a parent group run by Mrs Keay..."Many of my friends, and even my own child, have commented on how much happier I am following this course. Thank you!" Year 3 parent.