
Oakhill Primary School

‘Working together for a brighter future’



Welcome to Holly!  


Class teacher: Miss Brayford

Support Staff: Mrs Corne, Mrs Munro (AM only) and Mrs Fradley (Fri AM)




In English we look at a wide variety of texts that will inspire and fire the imaginations of the children. In Year 2 we begin the year with a non-chronological report. We will be writing character profiles, setting descriptions, and innovating the stories.  Later in the Autumn term, we will focusing our writing on a Christmas clip 'The Longest Journey.'



In the Spring and Summer term the texts that we use will have an increasing amount of text and we will be looking for the children to write list and compound sentences using a range of adjectives and conjunctions to make their writing exciting and interesting. We also look at poetry over the course of the year. In these sessions we get the children to analyse and explore the meaning of different poems as well as write their own.


We also teach the children how to write different non-fiction texts such as instructions and non-chronological reports.


Our intend is for the children to leave Year 2 as confident, competent and creative writers.


We teach the children to develop their reading fluency and comprehension skills over the course of the year. We encourage the children to read for pleasure and to be able to answer questions and retrieve relevant information from a text.





In Maths we begin the year with a heavy focus on place value. The children take an in depth look at the relationship between the numbers 1-100. We then look at the four operations (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication) and how these operations are linked together.  The children develop an understanding of reasoning, problem solving and the importance of pattern in Maths. We also explore measure, money, weight, length and shape. We learn the 2, 5 and 10 times tables in Year 2 through short, targeted sessions once a week.

Oakhill Alumno Curriculum

We will look at map work and developing map reading skills, the city of London and comparing it to our local area, we will compare urban and rural areas and where the UK is in relation to the rest of the world. The children will also identify the countries that make up the UK, surrounding seas as well as the seven continents and worlds oceans.



In History, we have three main topic areas these are -

Significant People where we look at the lives of Elizabeth I, Mary Seacole, Queen Victoria and Florence Nightingale.

The Plague where we look at the plague and its effects on London.

Local History where we look at the pottery industry.



In Science this year, children will be improving their knowledge and working scientifically skills across a range of topics. Our topics will be Animals including humans, Materials, Plants and Living things and their habitats.



At Oakhill we follow the Kapow DT scheme. We will look mechanisms, structures, food and textiles.


In art we will look at the work of British artists Banksy and Faye Halliday. The children will explore different techniques linked to these artists. 


We will also be teaching RE, PHSE, PE and Computing to give the children a large breadth of knowledge.



Pupils should also read at least 3 times per week. On occasions, pupils may bring home additional homework which should also be completed by the deadline set by the teacher. It is recommended that pupils need to complete a minimum of 5 games of Spelling Shed per week to practise their individual spellings and complete a minimum of 20 minutes on TT Rockstars to practise their individual times tables. 


If you need your logins for any of these sites please send a Dojo message to your class teacher


Phonics Play:

Phonics Bloom:

Online Phonics Lessons:

Spelling Shed:

TT Rockstars:

Purple Mash:

Dance Mat Typing:


KS1 Phase Leader (Mrs Hawthorne)

To contact the phase leader for KS1 please complete the form below.
