
Oakhill Primary School

‘Working together for a brighter future’

After School Clubs



At Oakhill we fully fund all of our own after school clubs meaning that they are totally free for all children (Bee Active and Rent a Beast clubs are chargeable as these are provided by external providers although we heavily subsidise these to make it as cheap as possible).


We change our clubs offer each term to ensure we offer a wide range that suit everyones interests. Ofsted praised our clubs offer when they inspected in October 2023 and our report stated, "Leaders offer an extensive range of enrichment activities and clubs. These are popular, and take up is high."


To request a place at one of our clubs please complete the form on ParentMail or contact the school office.


For Bee Active clubs, please book directly through Bee Active by following this link and selecting the relevant club under our school name: 

Bee Active club bookings


Below is a list of clubs available for Autumn Term 2024



Dance (Year 2 - Year 6) 

Football Club (Year 5 & Year 6)



Bee Active (Multi Sports) (Year 1 & Year 2)

Choir (Year 1 - Year 6) 

Craft (Year 3 & Year 4)

Mini Beast (Year 3 - Year 6)



Bee Active Mixed Footbll (Year 3 & Year 4) 



Bee Active Club (Year 5 & Year 6) 

Netball Club (Year 4 - Year 6)

Gardening Club (Year 1 - Year 6) 



Bee Active Club (Year 3 & Year 4) 


Clubs for Autumn Term will run from Monday 16th September 2024 until week commencing 2nd December 2024. 



