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In English we learn language, communication and vocabulary.
At Oakhill Primary School, we intend for our children to be able to write independently for a range of purposes and apply these skills at school, across all subjects, being well-prepared for the next stage in their education. We aim to develop pupils’ abilities within an integrated programme of Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing. Pupils will be given opportunities to develop their use, knowledge and understanding of spoken and written English within a broad and balanced curriculum, with opportunities to consolidate and reinforce taught English skills.
Our aims:
- pupils to read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding, using a range of independent strategies to self-monitor and correct;
- develop an interest in words and their meanings to extend vocabulary in spoken and written forms;
- understand a range of text types, media types and genres;
- be able to write in a variety of styles and forms appropriate to the situation;
- use their developing imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness;
- have suitable technical vocabulary to articulate their responses;
- be able to self-assess their writing and then edit and improve it.
English Lessons
- Activities are planned according to the national curriculum objectives for the year group. Support and challenge is planned and provided for pupils as appropriate in each lesson.
- During each writing lesson, pupils are reminded to self-monitor specific age-appropriate skills.
- The sequence of lessons and the skills taught will build-upon prior learning and work toward the writing of a specific genre at the end of the teaching sequence.
- At the beginning of each genre pupils are exposed to a high quality model which is used to identify key features (linked to the parts, tips, examples, PTE document) and expectations to aspire to by the end of the teaching sequence.
- We then spend time 'immersing ourselves' in the text. This can involve drama, looking at plot and structures of texts or considering authorial intent for example.
- Pupils will know the purpose, format and audience of each writing genre they are exposed to and will write in the correct style, making deliberate language and grammar choices.
- Pupils are involved in shared writing where teachers will brainstorm ideas, model key teaching points, address misconceptions and provide good examples. These are displayed in the classroom for pupils to refer to during that unit of work through the use of the ‘working wall’ and are updated/changed as appropriate. Children independently use table prompt cards and the working walls in classrooms regularly to support their writing.
- All skills lessons should provide children with the opportunity to practise and apply their learning independently to assess understanding of the skills taught. As much as possible, these lessons are taught in and around the context of the text being studied.
- Where possible, links between reading and writing are made. These links are purposeful in developing writing. For example, within a reading lesson children may be asked to identify adjectives used by the author. This could then lead into a skills/writing lesson on adjectives where the examples found in reading could be used to further improve writing.
Opportunities for spelling
In Reception and Year 1, each class has a daily 30-minute phonic session. In addition to this, there are further opportunities to practise common exception words and misconceptions.
Each class in Years 2 to 6 have daily spelling starters where they are taught a spelling rule which they then practise. These are practised alongside the spelling of high frequency words.
Our spelling starters follow a four part structure:
Revisit/Review – Children revisit previous spellings taught. This aids recall and retention.
Teach – Children are taught a new spelling rule and begin to learn the meanings of these words, along with some exceptions to the rule.
Practise – Children practise common spellings using the spelling rule, investigate the spelling rule and apply the rule to other words.
Apply – Children use spellings in context.
What our pupils say about Writing at Oakhill
"I like being able to carry on a story that we have read."
"I like writing a story because we do lots to work up to it."
"I like writing using different skills and learning new words."