‘Working together for a brighter future’
Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
Our vision, to which we all work as hard as possible can every day to achieve is: We develop the whole child, so they leave Oakhill Primary School with the skills to continue to thrive and achieve academically and personally and make a positive contribution to the community…whatever their starting points.
Our school motto is 'Working together for a brighter future.' We recognise that we all need to work in partnership to make sure this happens; teachers, support staff, governors, parents/carers and pupils. We know how vital working in partnership with parents and carers really is, in order for children to find school a positive and rewarding experience. We believe that if we all work together, then the children will enjoy and achieve more. We have high expectations in all areas, especially behaviour and achievement.
We have a dedicated pastoral team comprising of a lead learning mentor, learning mentor and home school link worker who provide an excellent service for parents and children - ensuring that children come to school regularly and that they are able to access their learning when they are with us.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education:
Supporting our pupils to develop as well rounded young people with strong principles and values is vitally important to us. Our school aims therefore underpin the school motto and our school 'teams' echo the values within our aims. Every pupil and member of staff is in one of our six teams which are: Empathy, Ambition, Respect, Resilience, Confidence and Independence.
Our latest Ofsted reports stated that, 'The extent to which children are cared for and looked after at Oakhill is exceptional.' We feel that this statement sums up our nurturing and caring ethos and this is central to everything we do in school (January 2019)
Pupils are courteous and polite as they move around school. Pupils are motivated learners, and they show respect for one another...Pupils understand the school values of ambition, confidence, empathy, independence, resilience and respect. From the early years to Year 6, children and pupils listen respectfully to the views of others....This all helps to build pupils’ character and raise their aspirations (October 2023)