‘Working together for a brighter future’
Oakhill Primary School council is a pupil group made up of children from years 3-6. Children on the school council are elected by their peers and meet together to discuss issues that their classmates have raised with them. They then make suggestions about how things can be improved or changed. Further down this page you will find an update of what the School Council has done during each half term as well as some photos.
2024 - 2025 School Council Work
Our School Council have many projects planned for their year in office. Please check this page to get updates each half term.
2023 - 2024 School Council Work
Our School Council have many projects planned for their year in office. In the Autumn Term they will be collecting donations for the local foodbank project as part of the harvest assembly and promoting road safety around the school to ensure that pupils are aware of how to cross a road safely. During the Spring Term they will be focusing on the school environment and ways to enhance or make improvements based on pupil voice. During the Summer Term they will be organising and promoting the School Council Election for 2024/25 and offering advice and support to candidates.
Autumn 2023
The School Council have had a very productive half term holding regular meetings to discuss the role of the school council, assemblies and the promoting of fund raising activities across the school.
In October they produced a whole school assembly explaining the meaning of Harvest and how that translates to modern life in Great Britain. They collected and donated 165.43kg of food for our local Trussell Trust Foodbank to support families in the the Stoke-on-Trent area.
In November the children made a whole school assembly to highlight Anti-Bullying Week 2023. They spoke to children across the school about showing kindness to one another and completing a kindness challenge. The theme for this year was Make Some Noise.
In December the children have been gathering the pupil voice on road safety during this month. They have also been promoting the Christmas Raffle around school.
During the spring term our School Council have discussed ways to improve the school environment and one of the big issues is safety on Rookery Lane. The children have made suggestions as to how the parking situation could be improved and are working together to try and find achievable solutions.
The children also promoted our amazing Easter Raffle throughout the school and raised over six hundred pounds.
Spring Term 2023
Our School Council wanted to donate items or raise money for a charity in the Spring Term. They discussed the current cost of living crisis and how that might be affecting families in the local area. They decided that the charity they wanted to support was Pens for Kids UK. It is a registered charity that sends pens and pencils all over the world to schools in countries that are unable to provide the essentials to aid learning. The School Council have worked extremely hard sorting, checking and sharpening all the pencils. They have then sorted them all by colour and counted every single pen and pencil.
The grand total of pens and pencils collected is two thousand and twenty three.
The School Council are so proud of this achievement and the pens and pencils will make a huge difference to the lives of children all over the world.