‘Working together for a brighter future’
Welcome To Apple
Class Teachers: Mrs Heath
Support Staff: Mrs Rhodes
Welcome to our Class page!
Hello and welcome! In Apple Class we work hard every day to create an enjoyable learning environment where we are encouraged to achieve our best and work together for a brighter future!
English (writing):
In Year 6 we cover a range of genres: narrative, formal letters, poetry, information texts and newspaper reports. We link our English to different topics and books.
We encourage children to read every day at home. We expect the children to read at least 3 times a week at home and they must bring their reading book to school every day! They receive a daily dojo for doing so. We complete reading lessons every day and use this time to explore the class text as well as lots of different text types. Here we develop our understanding of comprehension and language whilst fostering a love of reading.
Teaching and Learning in Maths follows our Oakhill planning document which teaches the four main areas in Maths. These are Number and Place Value, Geometry, Measure and Statistics. Where possible, links have been made across the Maths curriculum to provide children with as many opportunities as possible to apply their knowledge and understanding.
We expect children to practice their times tables every week. By the end of year 6, the children need to know all their times tables and associated division facts. Each week, the children will complete a times tables test based on the tables they need to focus on.
Alumno Curriculum:
Throughout the year we will be covering many fun and exciting topics following our fantastic curriculum.
Science – Electricity and Living things and their habitats
History – Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
Geography - Mapwork 1 and Mountains
Science - Evolution
History - Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
Geography – Mapwork 2 and Asia
Science – Light and Animals including Humans
History – The Maya
Geography – Rainforests and Biomes
We will also be teaching Art, DT, RE, PSHE, Computing and French to give the children a large breadth of knowledge.
Please check ParentMail/Dojo to see when our PE days are each half term. Remember, pupils can come dressed in their PE kit on this day.
Pupils need to complete a minimum of 5 games of Spelling Shed per week to practise their individual spellings and complete a minimum of 20 minutes on TT Rockstars to practise their individual times tables. Pupils should also read at least 3 times per week. On occasions, pupils may bring home additional homework which should also be completed by the deadline set by the teacher.
If you need your logins for any of these sites please send a Dojo message to your class teacher
Spelling Shed: https://play.edshed.com/en-gb/login
TT Rockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/
Purple Mash: https://www.purplemash.com/login/
Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/
Dance Mat Typing: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr
Oak Academy: https://classroom.thenational.academy/subjects-by-key-stage
To contact the phase leader for KS2 please complete the form below.