
Oakhill Primary School

‘Working together for a brighter future’

Contact details

Oakhill Primary School

Rookery Lane





The school is a part of the Orchard Community Trust (head office: Genesis Centre, ST6 4BF.)

Phone: 01782 883788  - full details at:


Telephone: 01782 235 238. Should you have any questions please contact us on this number and Mrs Cooke or Mrs Morris in our main office will be happy to assist. Should you need to speak to our Chair of Governors, he can be contacted via the school.




Our main forms of contact are ParentMail and ClassDojo - if you are a parent and are not yet signed up to these then please pop in to the office.


Headteacher - Mr S Smith

Chair of Governors - Mr J Toft

Admissions – Mrs J Cooke

General enquiries – School Office


SENCO - Mrs L Alliband

Contact Email (title your email FAO SENCO):

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For a current list of job vacancies please check our vacancies page at: 

If, as parents of a pupil attending this school, you require a paper copy of the information on this website we shall provide this free of charge.

Contact Us
