‘Working together for a brighter future’
At Oakhill Primary School we take safety on the Internet very seriously. On this page you will find videos to help support you in working with your child to stay safe on the Internet as well as activities that you could do with your child.
There are also links at the bottom of the page are for parents and carers to use to keep up to date with Online Safety.
At home you could support our work in keeping the children safe online by:
Online Safety Sessions for Parents
We host 4-6 webinars per academic year for parents to develop understanding of the most current online safety issues. These sessions are provided by Skips Educational and Knowsley City Learning Centre. Our last session was held on Tuesday 10th December 2024.
Our next session is on Wednesday 25th January. Further details and a sign up link to follow.
A link to a recording of an earlier session with Knowsley (held in October 2024) can be accessed here:
October Parents Online Safety Session
The sessions are extremely well received with the feedback attached below. Some of the comments included:
"I would just like you to know the Webinar session tonight was very informative and a real eyeopner to what goes on in the online world....I'm so glad I signed up to watch it. Even though I know certain things go on online, I didn't realise how much!" (2023)
“As parents we need to see this. Eye opening to what we presume our children would not do. A Very big thank you” (2022)
“It was excellent and easy to follow. The gaming shocked me and my wife. Sorry to say, we have allowed our son to play GTA and COD online with his friends. We have spoken to him and he has agreed not to play them anymore. We have actually just sold them on eBay” (2022)
“VERY uncomfortable and even more worried that our young children can easily have access to this. This training should be compulsory for all parents. Highly recommended” (2022)
“I’m so happy the school invited me. We make more time for screen free activities and found it so much easier to talk about how they can stay safe. A very big thank you" (2021)
“This is something I would never have thought about. Very important we know what our children are doing. Excellent session and so helpful” (2021)
“Me and my wife found the webinar powerful and such an eye-opener. We have reviewed all our parental settings on our devices since the session” (2021)
Skips website also has lots of further useful information including excellent parent guides:
Online Safety video guides for parents
Please follow this link for short videos on the following areas:
1. Setting up Parental Controls on an iOS device with Family Sharing
2. Setting up Parental Controls on your child’s iOS device (when you don’t have an iOS device)
1. Setting up Parental Controls using Google Family Link on an Android device
1. Setting up Snapchat Family Centre
2. Setting up Snapchat Privacy settings (on your child’s account)
1. Roblox
2. Nintendo Switch Parental Controls App
1. YouTube Kids App
We would recommend all parents watch these videos in order to help you keep your child(ren) safe online