
Oakhill Primary School

‘Working together for a brighter future’


Welcome To Maple

Class Teachers: Miss Walton
Support Staff: Mrs Fulcher


Welcome to our Class page! 


Hello and welcome! In Maple Class we aspire to create a creative and memorable learning environment every day where pupils are encouraged to achieve their best and work together for a brighter future! 


English (writing):

In Year 1 we cover a range of genres including: narrative, recount, poetry and non-fiction text. We link our English to different topics and books, focusing on tradition tales as well as popular current authors. The lessons incorporate a range of styles to capture and enhance the written work. Pupils use drama as well as digital technology in the form of Now<Press<Play to enhance their reading, writing and spoken language.  We strive to deliver exciting and engaging opportunities for all pupils to succeed.


We encourage children to read every day at home. We expect the children to read at least 3 times a week at home and they must bring their reading book to school every day! They receive a daily dojo for doing so. We read with pupils on a one to one basis and use this time to explore their understanding of the text and phonic knowledge. This also gives us the opportunity to develop and enhance the pupils decoding and blending skills as well as broadening their vocabulary, whilst fostering a love of reading. 

Phonics Screening Check

In June, all Year 1 pupils across the country sit a national Phonics Screening Check. Example of this check from previous years can be found at the bottom of this page. Pupils need to use their phonics knowledge to correctly read each word (whether real or not) and the pass mark for the last few years has been 32 out of 40. Please ask your child's teacher if you have any questions about this.


Teaching and Learning in Maths follows our Oakhill planning document which teaches the four main areas in maths. These are Number and Place Value, Geometry, Measure and Statistics. Where possible, links have been made across the maths curriculum to provide children with as many opportunities as possible to apply their knowledge and understanding. 

In Year 1 we spend a lot of time focusing on number.  We use concrete manipulatives to deepen the children's understanding in turn helping them to develop their problem solving and reasoning skills. We expect children to practice reading and writing simple mathematical statement involving addition and subtraction, as well as forming numbers accurately. Pupils are also expected to represent and use number bonds to 20 as well as adding and subtraction one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20.


Alumno Curriculum:

Throughout the year we will be covering many fun and exciting topics following our fantastic new curriculum. 



Science – Materials

History – Then and Now

Geography – Mapwork/Farming




Science – Animals, including humans

History - Travel & Transport / Significant Explorers

Geography – Mapwork/ Local Area 




Science - Plants

History – Great Fire of London

Geography – Rural & Urban / Weather


We will also be teaching Art, DT, RE, PHSE, PE and Computing to give the children a large breadth of knowledge.

Please check ParentMail/Dojo to see when our PE days are each half term. Remember, pupils can come dressed in their PE kit on this day. 



Pupils must read at least 3 times per week.





If you need your logins for any of these sites please send a Dojo message to your class teacher


Spelling Shed:

Purple Mash:


Oak Academy:

Phonics play:

Hit the button (number bonds):



KS1 Phase Leader (Mrs Hawthorne)

To contact the phase leader for KS1 please complete the form below.
