
Oakhill Primary School

‘Working together for a brighter future’

MFL (French)

Parlons français!

(Let's speak french)

In MFL we learn to speak french.


Modern Foreign Language - French

Still image for this video

Modern Foreign Languages 

At Oakhill, we consistently promote the study of a foreign language (in our case, French) because of its increasing importance in both personal development and in global society. We have a visit to France every 2 years for Years 5/6 so that pupils have the opportunity to practice their French speaking for real. Our lessons are taught by Mrs Alliband who is a fluent French speaker.


Oakhill’s MFL curriculum is vibrant, inclusive, systematic and communicates to pupils the principles and benefits to language learning. Our intent is to achieve high quality provision so that all pupils at Oakhill benefit from the unique social and educational advantages and experiences learning a language can bring to pupils at primary school. It provides pupils with a grounding of skills and knowledge in linguistic competence creating a sound basis for further study at KS3 and promotes positive attitudes towards in linguistic diversity in their school and beyond.  


Our aims at Oakhill are:


  • To enable children to understand and communicate in another language.
  • To develop enthusiasm for language learning.
  • To develop language skills and language learning skills.
  • To give the children confidence in interacting with others.
  • To increase the children’s global awareness.
  • To awaken an interest in different cultures and life-styles.
  • To develop children’s understanding of themselves and their culture.
  • To encourage tolerance and a willingness to work co-operatively.
  • To give a sound start for further development at Key Stage 3 and beyond.


Substantive and Disciplinary Knowledge in MFL


Substantive knowledge is the carefully sequenced, factual knowledge that we learn through our curriculum; our life-long learning and other information that we learn alongside this. Substantive knowledge cannot be learnt in isolation, but requires prior knowledge that enables us to make sense of what we have learnt. We learn this through the sequencing of our lessons. Prior knowledge must be revisited and misconceptions actively diagnosed.


Disciplinary knowledge is the way in which we learn. In French we learn through speaking and listening and through collaboration.


Progression in MFL


Progression is carefully planned into our MFL curriculum. We evidence this in a number of ways including the following: 


  • Topic knowledge development with reference to key vocabulary
  • Skills progression
  • High Frequency words progression
  • Phonics and grammar progression 
  • Language acquisition progression including creation of own original exchanges


French Progression and Topics

What our pupils say about learning french at Oakhill.


" I can't wait for french."     

"I want to go to university to learn lots of french."

"I can speak two languages now."  

"I have learned the french songs and can sing them by myself."

Photos from the Oakhill residential trip to France 2024.
