‘Working together for a brighter future’
‘Enabling our whole school community to positively embrace everyday life challenges, with courage, determination and resilience’.
SUMO is a whole school strategy that will enable children to understand their behaviour and the reasons behind the choices they make. Children will learn a range of strategies to help them with making the 'right decision' that they can use beyond the classroom and in their lives after Oakhill Primary School. The longevity will help to support children's mental health as they will be able to 'draw upon' the strategies when faced with difficult decisions or choices. The use of the seven SUMO questions and six principles are embedded within our curriculum and our behaviour policy. We also have staff SUMO champions and pupil SUMO champions!
We work closely with Paul and Kevin to refine our strategies and ensure that we are call capable of 'SUMOING' any situations we find ourselves in. Further information can be found here: https://www.sumo4schools.com/
SUMO Questions: Pupils will be taught to, and reminded to use the seven SUMO questions when faced with a challenge or difficulty. These questions are displayed in each classroom.
SUMO Principles: In addition to the seven SUMO questions, pupils will be taught to, and encouraged to use the SUMO principles.
Red Cap / Blue Cap
Pupils will understand that part of our brain has a fight or flight response – the ‘red cap’. It is this part of the brain that is impulsive, acts without thinking and acts without having all of the information. Another part of our brain, the ‘blue cap’, allows us to reflect, analyse and rationalise in order to make well-informed decisions. This strategy will enable pupils to identify if their response is in line with the ‘red cap’ and if so, will help them to change this thinking into ‘blue cap’ thinking.
Hippo Time
Hippo time teaches pupils that it is ok to not be ok for a short period of time. It’s teaches them to ask for help, to be kind to themselves, to use the SUMO questions and then to move on. Hippo time is temporary.
Fruity Thinking
Fruity thinking teaches children that when they think differently, they feel and behave differently and can ultimately achieve different results. It helps to make the connection between thinking and results in life.
Beach Ball Technique
The beach ball technique shows pupils that different people’s perspectives on the same situation may be different and that that is ok. Pupils are taught that if they are looking at a beach ball from different sides and are asked what colour they can see, they will have differing responses. Pupils only see their side of the beachball; like during challenging, difficult or conflicting times, they often only see their side and automatically think that this is right. From looking through the lens of the beachball, they are able to see that others can have a different response and that does not mean they are wrong.