
Oakhill Primary School

‘Working together for a brighter future’

Year 6 Responsibilities

When you get towards the end of Year 5, there is the opportunity for you to apply to have one of our special job roles in school. These roles are as follows:

  • Ambassador (including Head Boy and Head Girl)
  • Reading Ambassador
  • EYFS helper
  • Environment Officer


To apply for these roles you need to complete an application form and write a letter explaining why you would be a good candidate. Make sure your behaviour, attitude and attendance are consistently excellent too as Mrs Leach and Mr Smith will take this into account. 


Find out more about each role by reading the information below.


Ofsted wrote the following about our pupil opportunities when they inspected our school in October 2023, "Pupils play an active role in shaping school life. They take on many different jobs to help others across school. Pupils take part in lots of different clubs and activities beyond the classroom. Pupils make a difference in school. They are passionate about their work as leaders, such as environmental officers and reading ambassadors. One pupil summed this up by saying how they help to keep the school ‘ship shape’."



There are 14 Year 6 Ambassadors in school and each one is assigned to a class in school. They get a special, different coloured, jumper so everyone knows who they are. Ambassadors have a wide range of responsibilities including the following and much more:

  • Conducting the whole school achievement assembly each Friday (this includes talking in front of the whole school and parents in the hall!)
  • Showing visitors around school
  • Representing the school at events
  • Running the Dojo shop where pupils exhange their Dojo Acorns for prizes
  • Supporting younger pupils


We also pick 1 boy and 1 girl to be our Head Boy and Head Girl. These 2 pupils will consistently demonstrate our school values and will have even more responsibilities!



Meet our Ambassadors

Reading Ambassadors


There are 9 Year 6 Reading Ambassadors in school. They get a special lanyard so everyone knows who they are. Reading Ambassadors have a wide range of responsibilities including the following and much more:

  • Listening to Year 2 pupils read during morning reading time and helping them to become better readers and therefore ove reading even more.
  • Promoting a love of reading across the school by sharing books you have enjoyed reading.
  • Running the Reading Shed each lunch time so pupils can borrow books.
  • Running the termly 'Big Book Giveaway' where pupils get to take a book home to keep.
  • Organising and running our Research Library.


We also pick 1 boy and 1 girl to be our Reading Ambassador Leaders. These 2 pupils will consistently demonstrate our school values and will have even more responsibilities!

Meet our Reading Ambassadors

EYFS Helpers


There are 11 Year 6 EYFS helpers in school. They get a special lanyard so everyone knows who they are. EYFS helpers have a wide range of responsibilities including the following and much more:

  • Working with Nursery children at the start of the year to help them settle into school and play with their equipment and friends
  • Later in the year, work with these pupils on their reading, name writing and counting.
  • Then go into Reception and help them read, write and do Maths!


If you want to be an EYFS helper it is vital that you like working with our youngest children and are interested in helping them learn!

Meet our EYFS helpers

Environment Officers


There are 3 Year 6 Environment Officers in school. They get a special lanyard so everyone knows who they are. Environment Officers have a wide range of responsibilities including the following and much more:

  • Helping to ensure our school environment is as tidy, welcoming and amazing as possible!
  • Helping us to become as eco-friendly as we can
  • Helping to improve the environment in our local area
  • Talking to the rest of the school about positive changes we can make to help all of the above


If you want to be an Environment Officer helper it is vital that you have an interest in the school environment, the wider environment and making positive change!

Meet our Environment Officers
