
Oakhill Primary School

‘Working together for a brighter future’


Welcome To Poplar

Class Teachers: Mr Warren
Support Staff: Mrs Weaver and Miss Hansbury


Welcome to our Class page! 



Hello and welcome! In Poplar Class, we work hard every day to create an enjoyable learning environment where we are encouraged to achieve our best and work together for a brighter future! 


English (writing):

In Year 5 we cover a range of genres including: narrative, poetry, balanced argument, non-chronological reports, letter and diary writing. We link our English to different topics covered by a range of media including books, video clips, photographs and animations.  Children are always encouraged to play Spelling Shed to improve their spelling which helps with their writing.


Reading is at the heart of everything we do in Year 5. We read every day at school and we encourage children to read every day at home too (although we would love children to read every day, we do expect the children to read at least 3 times a week at home, which can be a book of their choice.)  Because of this, children must bring their reading book to school every day and take it home every evening - children receive a daily dojo for doing this! We complete whole-class reading lessons four times a week and use this time to explore the class text as well as lots of different text types. Here we develop our understanding, comprehension, language and reading skills whilst fostering a love of reading. 


Teaching and Learning in Maths follows our Oakhill planning document which follows the four main areas in Maths. These are Number and Place Value, Geometry, Measure and Statistics. Where possible, links have been made across the Maths curriculum to provide children with as many opportunities as possible to apply their knowledge and understanding. 

In Year 5 we spend a lot of time focusing on number and calculation.  We use concrete manipulatives to deepen the children's understanding, in turn helping them to develop their problem solving and reasoning skills. The expectation is that children practice their times tables at home every week on TT Rockstars. Each week, the children will complete a times tables test based on the tables they need to focus on. This is to reinforce their knowledge of times tables and associated division facts which in turn helps across all areas of Maths.


Alumno Curriculum:

Throughout the year we will be covering many fun and exciting topics following our fantastic curriculum. 



Science – Properties of Materials

History - WWII

Geography – Map work & Extreme Weather

DT –  Pop-up books (Mechanical Systems) and What could be healthier? (Cooking and Nutrition)



Science – Animals including Humans

History – WWII and Ancient Egypt

Geography – Map work & South America

DT - Bridges (Structures) and Doodlers (Electrical Systems)



Science – Earth & Space and Forces

History – Ancient Egypt

Geography – Rivers and How Land is Used

DT – Monitoring Devices (Digital World) and Stuffed Toys (Textiles)



In Art we study different artists and our reactions to their work, we learn skills relating to sketching, painting, textiles & collage and 3D design.



Each half term we look at a new song and a new genre of music. We learn to listen and appraise, sing, play instruments, improvise and compose.



French is taught weekly by our very own Mrs Alliband - who is very talented and speaks French fluently!



We have an hour each week in our dedicated Computer suite and we learn how to use different Office applications and e-mail.  We also cover coding, blogging and internet safety.



We use the Jigsaw Scheme of Work throughout Oakhill. These lessons build on prior knowledge and encourage the children to think about our wider community as well as their own experience, mental health and ambitions for the future.



In RE, we learn all about various faiths, cultures, religions and festivals through drama, reading, discussion and media.



PE is taught weekly. The children will have half a term of Dance, taught by a qualified dance teacher and half a term of throwing skills taught by the Year 5 teachers.  For the rest of the year, PE is taught by dedicated PE coaches from Bee Active.  In Year 5, we also go swimming once per week.  Please check ParentMail/Dojo to see when our PE days are each half term. Remember, pupils can come dressed in their PE kit on this day. 



Pupils need to complete a minimum of 5 games of Spelling Shed per week to practise their individual spellings. Children should ensure they know their spellings before their weekly test. All pupils should complete a minimum of 20 minutes on TT Rockstars (seven 3-minute games) to practise their individual times tables. Pupils should also read at least 3 times per week.  In addition to this, in Year 5, we also set extra Maths homework which is to be completed in the workbook once a week.



If you need any logins for these sites, please send a Dojo message to your class teacher.


Spelling Shed:

TT Rockstars:

Purple Mash:


Dance Mat Typing:

Oak Academy:


KS2 Phase Leader (Mrs Hawthorne)

To contact the phase leader for KS2 please complete the form below.
