‘Working together for a brighter future’
Class teacher: Miss Warner
Support staff: Miss Leonard, Mrs Munro (PM only) and Mrs Fradley (Fri PM)
Cover staff: Mrs Brailsford
Welcome to Oak's class page. We pride ourselves on being a warm, friendly class, who are enthusiastic about our learning journey. We encourage a love of learning through a challenging enquiry based ALUMNO Curriculum.
We will be learning new writing skills and consolidating skills learnt in previous years through different novels. Some of the books and animations which inspire our writing throughout the year are:
Kaspar: The Prince of Cats
Children are encouraged to read as much as possible at home - please remember to sign their reading cards every time they have read.
Maths is taught daily and children will be continuing to develop the Maths skills they learnt in year 3. It is very important for children to learn their times tables on a regular basis at home. Teaching and Learning in Maths follows our Oakhill planning document which teaches the four main areas in Maths. These are Number and Place Value, Geometry, Measure and Statistics. Where possible, links have been made across the Maths curriculum to provide children with as many opportunities as possible to apply their knowledge and understanding. Children will complete daily arithmetic calculations before their regular Maths lesson. Children are encouraged to use practical apparatus during Maths lessons to aid their learning and further their mathematical knowledge.
Oakhill ALUMNO Curriculum
Each topic has been specially chosen to be studied in a particular year, which is then explored through individual lessons. Each lesson will have a 'wow factor' to it as ALUMNO curriculum lessons will be child-led - where the children play a more assertive role in their learning. Throughout the year we will be learning the following topics:
Autumn Term:
Geography: Map work 1 (Autumn 1) Volcanoes (Autumn 2).
History: The Titanic and Edwardians
Science: States of Matter (Autumn 1) Sound (Autumn 2).
DT: Adapting a recipe (Autumn 1) Pavilions (Autumn 2).
Art: Painting
Spring Term:
Geography: Map work 2 (Spring 1) North America (Spring 2)
History: Local History.
Science: Electricity.
DT: Torches (Spring 1) Mindful Moments (Spring 2)
Art: 3D and textiles
Summer Term:
Geography: Trade (Summer 1) Renewable Energy (Summer 2)
History: The Romans.
Science: Living Things & Habitats (Summer 1) Animals including Humans (Summer 2).
DT: Fastenings (Summer 1) Making a slingshot car (Summer 2)
Art: Drawing and printing.
We will also be teaching RE, PSHE, Computing and French to give the children a large breadth of knowledge.
Things to remember
Spellings are given out on a Monday and tested the following Monday.
Reading books and cards need to be brought to school every day and will be checked weekly.
PE kits are to worn every Friday for Fitness Friday.
Children will also be required to wear their PE on their PE day.
Pupils need to complete a minimum of 5 games of Spelling Shed per week to practise their individual spellings and complete a minimum of 20 minutes on TT Rockstars to practise their individual times tables. Pupils should also read at least 3 times per week. On occasions, pupils may bring home additional homework which should also be completed by the deadline set by the teacher.
If you need your logins for any of these sites please send a Dojo message to your class teacher
Spelling Shed: https://play.edshed.com/en-gb/login
TT Rockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/
Purple Mash: https://www.purplemash.com/login/
Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/
Dance Mat Typing: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr
To contact the phase leader for KS2 please complete the form below.