‘Working together for a brighter future’
Welcome to the Governors' section!
Our Governors work extremely hard to ensure that Oakhill Primary continues to be a fantastic school. Their remit is as follows:
During our inspection in October 2023, Ofsted agreed that our Governors do an excellent job of the above and they stated the following in their report, "The trust and local governors provide strong support for the school."
Further information about who the governors are, and which committees they are a member of, can be found below. Also below is a report of the work the Governing Body have undertaken each academic year (2021 onwards).
The scheme of delegation for our Governing Board can be found in the documents section further down this page.
For further information on the structure of our Multi Academy Trust including the profiles of our Trustees please follow this link to the Orchard Community Trust website: https://www.orchardct.org.uk/governance-structure-1/
Name |
Appointment Date |
Term of Office End Date |
Type of Governor |
Pecuniary Interests | Membership of Other Governing Bodies |
Personal Relations in School |
Steve Smith | 01/01/2025 | N/A | Headteacher | None | Meir Heath Academy | None |
Margaret Tatton
15/07/2021 |
14/07/2025 | Co-opted | None | Alexandra Junior School
Trustee at OCT | Niece (staff) in school |
Jason Toft (Chair) |
09/02/2021 |
08/02/2025 | Co-opted | None | None | Close friend of a member of staff in school |
Beth Else
| 30/03/2023 | 29/03/2027 | Staff | Staff member | None | None |
Sherin Vorajee (Vice Chair) | 4/11/2021 | 3/11/2025 | Co-opted | Deputy Headteacher at Forest Park Primary | None | None |
Hilary Bathgate | 30/3/2022 | 29/3/2026 | Co-opted | Lecturer at Stoke on Trent College | None | None |
Lisa Reddaway | 21/03/2024 | 20/03/2027 | Parent | Teacher at St Peter’s High School | None | Parent of a child at the school |
Alison Simkins | 12/09/2024 | 11/09/2027 | Co-opted | None | None | None |
Our Governors are appointed by the following:
The following individuals were members of our Governing Board and left within the last 12 months. They go with our sincere thanks for their contributions to Oakhill.
Find Out More About Our Governors!
Jason Toft - Chair of Governors
I have been a Governor at Oakhill Primary School for over 20 years, initially starting as a Parent Governor. I was appointed vice chair of governors in 2017 and became chair in September 2019.
I worked for Staffordshire County Council for over twenty five years in project management and transformation roles. In August 2019 I had a change of career and became an Investigative Officer for Staffordshire Police. I have two sons who have both attended Oakhill and have one grandson who is now attending the school. I care passionately about the staff and children of Oakhill Primary School and I will always strive to give them the very best.
Margaret Tatton
I am a co-opted governor and the link governor for Pupil Premium. I have a great attachment to the area as I have always lived in Oakhill and both our daughters attended Oakhill Primary school. I am a trustee of the Orchard Academy Trust which Oakhill is part of. I am a retired deputy head teacher; I worked in a large inner-city high school. I had particular responsibility for training new teachers as well as the appraisal and professional development of all staff both teaching and support. I was a member of SACRE which is responsible for writing and monitoring the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. I am a volunteer at Foodbank which is part of the Trussell Trust and I am Safeguarding Officer for a local church.
Beth Else
I am really pleased to have recently become the new Staff Governor. I began teaching at Oakhill in September 2022, but I have taught for an additional three years at Hempstalls Primary School. I am currently teaching in Year 3 and lead Design and Technology for the school, which I thoroughly enjoy. I am enthusiastic about encouraging creativity in the classroom and often convey this through the use of drama and performance across the curriculum. I am also extremely passionate about reading. I love to express this by sharing my favourite books and authors with the children and consistently promote a love of reading, both in my classroom and around school.
Sherin Vorajee
I am delighted to take up my first Governors role at Oakhill Primary School. I am currently Assistant Head Teacher and Curriculum Lead at Forest Park Primary School where I have worked for the last 20 years, with many wonderful youngsters and their families, in a range of roles. I am passionate about helping young people achieve their potential through education and ensuring youngsters have the best opportunities to succeed whilst growing into responsible and caring individuals. I am really looking forward to working with the children, staff and families within the school community.
Hilary Bathgate
I’m pleased to take up my first governor post at Oakhill Primary School. I am a curriculum leader for sciences at a local further education college. I am passionate about STEM being accessible to all students throughout their education and ensuring students are given the best opportunities to succeed. I have a background in forensic science before moving into education and have experience in curriculum development, quality assurance and mentoring new and trainee teachers.
Lisa Reddaway
I am incredibly happy to have recently been appointed as a Parent Governor at Oakhill Primary. My daughter attended the school from 2017-2023 and had the most wonderful seven years where she blossomed academically and socially. My son started Nursery in September 2023 and he is also really enjoying his journey so far. As a parent, I am passionate about the school and I am proud to be a part of the Governing body. I look forward to being able to support the school, its staff and its students as they continue to improve. Whilst I am new to the role of a Governor, I have just started my 22nd year of teaching English to Secondary students in Stoke-on-Trent and, therefore, have experience of working in a school setting and a good understanding of the role the Governing body plays in improving schools and enhancing the experience of its students.
Alison Simkins
I am excited to take up my role as a Governor for Oakhill Primary School. I work as the Centre Manager and Project Lead for the local West End Community Centre based in Stoke. In this role I help to provide activities, support and services to the residents of Oakhill and surrounding area. Previously, I have worked in education based in several secondary schools as a Careers Adviser and have a specialism in careers support for those with special educational needs and disabilities. I have also worked in management, giving me experience of quality assurance, budgets and facilities management. I have an interest in the potential and the achievements of all young people and look forward to working with the Oakhill school community.